Merry Christmas from the Argosy!
Some thoughts about Christmas.
It's amazing how December 25th creeps up on us every year. The date doesn't change on the calendar, but time marches inexorably on and before we know it, incredibly, we're down to the last couple of days. Santa's list has nothing on mine and even though we're not "doing" Christmas until Boxing Day this year, it still feels like I'm way behind.
So with that in mind, even as we all rush about from store to store buying treats and treasures, let's all just take a moment or two to relax and soak up the friends and family around us (the real treats and treasures) and not get too caught up in the holiday madness.
Christmas comes but once a year, but it comes every year.
From everyone at the Argosy, merry Christmas, happy holidays, and a happy New Year!
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